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Are LED Christmas Lights Better Than Incandescent Lights?

If you use incandescent Christmas lights for decorating, you might be wondering if it’s time to switch to LED lights since most lights sold in stores today are LED.


What has led to the big switch to LED lights? Take a look at the benefits, considerations, and drawbacks of getting LED lights. Here’s what you need to know to make an informed decision.

How LED Lights Work

LEDs use light-emitting diodes, rather than a filament to produce light. They are the most popular type of light bulb today for almost every use—in homes, businesses, and all around the world, year-round.


These bulbs are highly energy-efficient, don’t contain mercury, and don’t get hot to the touch, so they’re a lot safer, too. They are used in the most commonplace light fixtures such as lamps, ceiling lights, or track lighting.


Similarly, LED Christmas lights are more efficient, durable, and longer-lasting than incandescent lights.


Money and Energy Savings

Incandescent bulbs waste energy; a full 90 percent of their energy is released as heat, which is why regular light bulbs get so hot. LEDs are a different story. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, they use up to 75 percent less energy and last 25 times as long.


They also don’t require much maintenance. Since LED bulbs don’t burn out, they only get dimmer over time; you don’t have to fuss with replacing bulbs and fuses. Just plug them in, and they’ll light up reliably year after year.


Some home improvement stores offer trade-in programs where you can turn in your old Christmas lights for a discount on new, energy-efficient sets.

Benefits of LED Christmas Lights

LED Christmas lights are safe to use indoors for your Christmas tree, wreaths, and garlands. They won’t send your holiday electric bills sky high, even if you tend to go a bit crazy with the Christmas lights.


Toss your lights in a box after Christmas and pull them out again next year. The bulbs are plastic, so you don’t have to spend much time wrapping them to prevent breakage.


Plus, LED Christmas lights come in all styles, sizes, and colors; there’s truly something for everyone. You can even find snowflake-shaped lights, rope lights, and net lights.

LED lights continue to improve; the first-generation LED Christmas lights couldn’t match the pure white light of incandescent Christmas lights. The light was much bluer, and that was a turn-off for many people.


However, LED Christmas lights are now available in bright and soft options. Choose cool white bulbs if you prefer the blue tone or warm white bulbs if you prefer more of a golden tone.


To summarize, the benefits of LED Christmas lights include:


Durable and safe to the touch

Energy-efficient; cheaper electric bill than incandescents

Come in a variety of styles, colors, and sizes